Masterlock S806 Adjustable 3 ...
SGD$50.00The S806 cable lockout from Master Lock features a patented 5/32″ (4mm) diameter x 3′ (91.4cm) pull-tight cable that adjusts for a secure fit every time. The integrated safety hasp and cable is ideal for multiple circuit breaker panel and side-by-side gate valve lockouts. Its tough, flexible multi-stranded steel cable is insulated with a clear, pvc free plastic coating. To use, simply feed the cable end through the points to be locked out, back through the lockout body, and cinch it tight to remove any slack with the patented locking feature. The S806 features a tough, lightweight Zenex thermoplastic body that withstands chemicals and performs effectively in extreme conditions (–50° F to +300° F (-46°C to 149°C)). It includes high-visibility, re-usable, write-on safety labels (English, French & Spanish).
Masterlock S806 Adjustable 6 ...
SGD$55.00The S806 Cable Lockout encompasses a tough, flexible, multistranded steel cable insulated with a clear plastic coating. The integrated safety hasp and cable is ideal for a multiple circuit breaker panel and side-by-side gate valve lockouts. It includes high-visibility, reusable, writeable safety labels in English, French and Spanish.
SAFETY FIRST AID CD15 Cederrot ...
SGD$50.00- Essential for when working with chemicals – neutralising the effect of acid or alkaline splashes
- Available as single bottles, 2 x 500ml Bottles and 4 x 500ml bottles
- Isotonic borate buffered sodium chloride solution without preservatives
- Shelf life 4.5 years
SGD$800.00SGD$700.00The Price will be increase for new order(Left 10 Sets )
LV Rescue Kit consists of:
Weatherproof bag, orange high visibility, synthetic non tear material.
Unique Emergency “Glow In The Dark” Strip.
LV Rescue crook fiberglass, 25mm Dia ,Double insulated over mould handle.
Insulated gloves, size Insulated Gloves, 1000V.
Emergency isolation sign and rope 260 x 175mm.
Fire Blanket 1800 x 1200mm (AS/NZS 3504).
Torch LED dolphin non-conductive
Burns Dressing 75x75mm EO Sterilized.
Additionally Thermal accident shock blanket.
Additionally CPR face mask (CE Approved).
List of contents and conformity card.
Gotcha Original Rescue Kit ...
SGD$2,200.00 – SGD$2,500.00The GOTCHA Kit has been designed for either remote lifting, or lowering of a casualty for rescue. The system can be used for recovery of a casualty suspended on his fall arrest equipment without the need to cut him free, or put the rescuer at risk.
3M 9928 Welding Fume Respirato ...
SGD$200.003M™ Welding Fume Respirator 9928 provides lightweight, effective, comfortable and hygienic respiratory FFP2 protection against dust, mist and metal fume and resists clogging for extended use against welding fume. These respirators have been designed specifically for welding applications to provide protection against ozone and welding fume, plus relief from nuisance odours. Please note, disposable respirator users in the UK should use FFP3 respirators for protection against welding fume, in accordance with HSE guidance.
BINAME ELS05 Electro Rubber In ...
SGD$70.00Periodic inspection and electrical retesting
EN 60903 Protection for the hand when working with live electrics.
There is no requirement for electrical testing for classes 00 and 0. A check for air leak and visual inspection is considered adequate.
No gloves of Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4, even those held in storage, should be used unless they have been tested within a maximum period of 6 month.
The tests consist of air inflation to check for air leaks, visual inspection while inflated, and then a routine dielectric test.